Year 1 2024 - 2025

Miss Collier

Mrs Sanderson

Welcome to Year 1

This term our topic is 'Childhood'.

This project teaches children about everyday life and families today, including comparisons with childhood in the 1950s, using artefacts and a range of different sources.

We will also be learning about:

Science: Everyday Materials, this project teaches children that objects are made from materials. They identify a range of everyday materials and their sources. Children investigate the properties of materials and begin to recognise that a material's properties define its use. In the second half of the Autumn term we learn about our Human Senses.  This project teaches children that humans are a type of animal known as a mammal. They name and count body parts and identify similarities and differences. They learn about the senses, the body parts associated with each sense and their role in keeping us safe.

RE: In the new unit of Harvest, children will explore how we can help countries or people who don't have a good harvest and the traditional celebrations used to celebrate harvest and we look at the Jewish festival of harvest. We also look at 'My World, Jesus World'  and in this unit, the children are exploring what life was like when Jesus, God the Son, was alive on earth. They will talk about the human nature and experience of Jesus as he lived in the world at that time. The last topic we cover in the Autumn term is Christmas. In this topic we look at deepening the children understanding of the true meaning of Christmas and how it feels to give and receive gifts. 

Geography: Through our Geography topic, Our Wonderful World, the children will learn the essential skills and knowledge about physical and human features, maps, cardinal compass points, and positional and directional language. They learn about the equator, hemispheres and continents and are introduced to the countries, capital cities and settlements of the United Kingdom. The children carry out simple fieldwork to find out about local physical and human features.

History: In our Childhood topic this project teaches children about everyday life and families today, including comparisons with childhood in the 1950s, using artefacts and a range of different sources.

Art: Mix It, this project teaches children about basic colour theory by studying the colour wheel and colour mixing. It includes an exploration of primary and secondary colours and how artists use colour in their artwork. We also look at the Artist Wassily Kandinsky and will create our own piece of art like Kandinsky. 

Design Technology: Shade and Shelter, this project teaches children about the purpose of shelters and their materials. They name and describe shelters and design and make shelter prototypes. Children then design and build a mini den using clay and other materials and evaluate their completed product that they made with the Nomad Rangers. 

PSHE: Our first topic is called Me and My Relationships, where the children will learn about rules, feelings and how those feelings can make our body feel. Our second topic is called Valuing Differences, in this topic we look at the different between being unkind, teasing and bullying as well as how we are, as humans, the same but different. 

PE: In our first term we look at 3 different topics, Gymnastics, Dance and Throwing and Catching. Gymnastics and Dance will be inside with most of the Throwing and Catching unit being complete outside. In Gymnastics we look at jumping 2 feet to 2 feet and different types of rolls. In Dance we look at movement through different animal movements. In throwing and catching we look at underarm throws, bouncing a ball and catching. 

Music: Our first topic is called 'Hey You' which is written in an Old-School Hip Hop style for the children to learn about the difference between pulse, rhythm and pitch. Our second topic is called 'Rhythm in the way we walk and banana rap.' We will listen & appraise other styles of music and continue to embed the interrelated dimensions of music (pulse, rhythm and pitch). 

Computing: We look at 3 different topics through our Autumn term. Our first is called Online Safety wherre the children learn their passwords, how to keep them safe and how to log out of their account. Our second topic is Grouping and Sorting. Our third topic is called Pictograms where we learn that data can be saved and shown through pictures. 

For more information on our curriculum, please see the curriculum tab on our homepage.

Pick and Mix

Your child will bring home their Pick and Mix linked to their topic. Pick and Mix projects are suggested activities that help to inspire children beyond the classroom. Each activity provides an opportunity for children to explore their topic further using a number of different skills. When children have finished a project, they can bring this into school where each class will have a designated time to celebrate the learning that has taken place. Projects can stay in school and be displayed on each class’s working wall or can be taken home.

If you have any questions about how to further support your child's learning at home, please contact your child's class teacher via Class Dojo or the school office. 

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Year 1: News items

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Year 1: Blog items

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Year 1: Gallery items

Rock piles and litter picking, by Mrs Sanderson

Bug Hotel Revamp!, by Mrs Sanderson

Eating School-Grown Fruit, by Mrs Sanderson

Year 1: Calendar items

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Learning Together Following Jesus Whatever you do,work at it with all your heart

Adlington St Paul'sCE Primary School

Railway Rd, Adlington, Chorley PR6 9QZ.

Miss K Harrison | Bursar

01257 480276

Mrs J Burger | Headteacher

Miss L Taylor | SENCO

Part of The Learning Together Trust

We are a family of schools, who work collaboratively and in partnership, to ensure that every child within each different school receives the best Christian foundation education that equips them for success in the next phase of their education and later life.