Year 4 2024 - 2025

Mr Nolan

Mrs Sanderson

Welcome to Year 4

Spring Term 2024

This term our topic is 'Misty Mountain, Winding River'

This project teaches children about the characteristics and features of rivers and mountain ranges around the world, including a detailed exploration of the ecosystems and processes that shape them and the land around them.

Science: States of Matter

This project teaches children about solids, liquids and gases and their characteristic properties. They observe how materials change state as they are heated and cooled, and learn key terminology associated with these processes.

RE:  Why do Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God?

The aim of this unit is to:
  • deepen the children’s understanding of Jesus, who he was, his teaching and behaviour.
  • use the events covered in the stories to illustrate and emphasise the Christian belief that Jesus is the Son of God; that he was God and man, both human and divine.
  • deepen pupil’s knowledge and understanding of why the sabbath , Shabbat, is so important to Jews.
  • introduce pupil’s to the celebrations and traditions of Jewish Shabbat.

Art: Animal

This project teaches children about the historical and cultural portrayal of animals in art. They study the visual qualities of animals through sketching, printmaking and clay modelling.

DT: Functional and Fancy Fabrics

This project teaches children about home furnishings and the significant designer William Morris. They learn techniques for decorating fabric, including block printing, hemming and embroidery and use them to design and make a fabric sample.

PSHE: Keeping Safe

Children will:

give examples of people or things that might influence someone to take risks (e.g. friends, peers, media, celebrities), but that people have choices about whether they take risks.

say a few of the risks of smoking or drinking alcohol on a person’s body and give reasons for why most people choose not to smoke, or drink too much alcohol.

give examples of positive and negative influences, including things that could influence them when they are making decisions.


P.E.: Dodgeball (target game) & Gymnastics (paired/team gymnastics work)

Computing: Writing for different audiences & LOGO

  • In this unit, children learn that technology can be used to organise, reorganise, develop, and 
    explore ideas, and that working with information in this way can aid understanding. It also gives 
    children opportunities to discuss their experiences of using ICT and how it is used in the wider 
  • Learn common commands and constructs of the Logo programming language.
  • Develop their ability to compose algorithms for drawing mathematical structures and 
    turn these into Logo code

MFL: Presenting Myself

For more information on our curriculum, please see the curriculum tab on our homepage.

Pick and Mix

Your child will bring home their Pick and Mix linked to their topic. Pick and Mix projects are suggested activities that help to inspire children beyond the classroom. Each activity provides an opportunity for children to explore their topic further using a number of different skills. When children have finished a project, they can bring this into school where each class will have a designated time to celebrate the learning that has taken place. Projects can stay in school and be displayed on each class’s working wall or can be taken home.

If you have any questions about how to further support your child's learning at home, please contact your child's class teacher via Class Dojo or the school office. 


Files to Download

Year 4: News items

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Year 4: Blog items

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Year 4: Gallery items

Rock piles and litter picking, by Mrs Sanderson

Bug Hotel Revamp!, by Mrs Sanderson

Investigating Sugars, by Mrs Sanderson

Year 4: Calendar items

There are no Calendar items to display

Learning Together Following Jesus Whatever you do,work at it with all your heart

Adlington St Paul'sCE Primary School

Railway Rd, Adlington, Chorley PR6 9QZ.

Miss K Harrison | Bursar

01257 480276

Mrs J Burger | Headteacher

Miss L Taylor | SENCO

Part of The Learning Together Trust

We are a family of schools, who work collaboratively and in partnership, to ensure that every child within each different school receives the best Christian foundation education that equips them for success in the next phase of their education and later life.