Remote Learning Support

During this Spring term of National Lockdown, class teachers are posting daily work online via class dojo for children to complete. This consists of pre-recorded lessons, tasks to complete independently and live sessions with class teachers.

Below are a list of helpful links to continue to support your children at home with their learning. 

If you require any further support or have any questions please contact the school office via phone or email or contact your child's class teacher via class dojo.

Thank you for your continued support at this time. 

Weekly Singing to support our Well being and Spirituality

Reading At Home

Virtual Library

Storytime Online

Free Online Books (books to listen to)

Free Online Books (books to read)

Online Books to Read (Read Write Inc books)

Roald Dahl

Keeping Physically and Mentally Fit at Home

Daily Fun Workout

Join The Body Coach as he does his workout live or complete in your own time


Science Learning at Home

Find below links to different science activities that can be done at home.

PSTT Science from Home Learning Ideas

PSTT Science at Work Learning Ideas (meet real scientists and ask them questions)


Science Experiments at Home

Science Fun at Home

Whizz Pop Bang

Science, Engineering and Computing

Education and Wellbeing 

Follow the link below to BBC Bitesize and information about what's on during lockdown to support children's learning and wellbeing.

BBC Bitesize

How do I log into Dojo and send work to a portfolio as a student?

Files to Download

Learning Together Following Jesus Whatever you do,work at it with all your heart

Adlington St Paul'sCE Primary School

Railway Rd, Adlington, Chorley PR6 9QZ.

Miss K Harrison | Bursar

01257 480276

Mrs J Burger | Headteacher

Miss L Taylor | SENCO

Part of The Learning Together Trust

We are a family of schools, who work collaboratively and in partnership, to ensure that every child within each different school receives the best Christian foundation education that equips them for success in the next phase of their education and later life.