Here are a collection of useful videos and games to help your children to consolidate a revisit the learning we have completed in maths so far this year.
Place Value links:
Reading and writing numbers up to 100 in words and numerals video -
Counting in 2s video -
Counting in 3s video -
Counting in 5s video -
Counting in 10s video -
Recognising 2 digit numbers with base 10 game - Place Value Basketball - Dienes Game for 5 to 8 Year Olds (
Recognising 2 digit numbers with base 10 game - Shark Numbers || To know what each digit in a 3-digit number represents - mobile friendly (
Properties of 2 digit numbers game - Thinking of a Number - 5-8 year olds - Topmarks
Addition and Subtraction links:
1 more and less and 10 more and less game - Chopper Squad More or Less - Mental Maths Game - 5 to 7 Year Olds (
Number bonds quiz - Number bonds to 100 - Maths - Learning with BBC Bitesize - BBC Bitesize
Number bonds quiz - Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (
Addition of 3 numbers game - Deep Sea Duel (
Addition games of varying levels - Post Sorting - 5-10 year olds - Topmarks
Addition and subtraction games - Funk Mummy || Quick recall of addition, subtraction and multiplication facts || Mobile-friendly version (
Addition and subtraction word problem game - Mental Maths Train - A Four Operations Game (
Subtraction game - Subtraction Fruit Splat Game - 7 levels - Math Game (
Subtraction facts game - Subtraction Grids - Topmarks
Multiplication and Division links:
Multiplication and division quick fire quiz - Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (
Multiplication, doubling and halving games - Funk Mummy || Quick recall of addition, subtraction and multiplication facts || Mobile-friendly version (
Multiplication and division word problems game - Mental Maths Train - A Four Operations Game (
Multiplication game - Coconut Multiples - Reinforce Times Tables (
Division by sharing game - Doggy Division Dinners (