Magnetic and Non-Magnetic Materials

Lesson: Science

Class: Year 3 Year: 2022 - 2023

We have been grouping and observing magnetic and non-magnetic materials and metals. We have talked about metals that are magnetic and those that are not and discussed why, understand ferrous meaning containing iron. We found an anomaly... 1p and 2p coins, we had one coin from 1980 that wasn't magnetic and one from 2011 that was magnet. After research we found out that in 1998 copper coins now have steel cores rather than being pure copper. We have also talked about silver, just because on object is the colour silver doesn't mean it is silver metal but could aslo be many other metals. 

Learning Together Following Jesus Whatever you do,work at it with all your heart

Adlington St Paul'sCE Primary School

Railway Rd, Adlington, Chorley PR6 9QZ.

Miss K Harrison | Bursar

01257 480276

Mrs J Burger | Headteacher

Miss L Taylor | SENCO

Part of The Learning Together Trust

We are a family of schools, who work collaboratively and in partnership, to ensure that every child within each different school receives the best Christian foundation education that equips them for success in the next phase of their education and later life.