Year 1: Gallery
What keeps us dry?, by Mrs Sanderson
Bug Hotel Happiness!, by Mrs Sanderson
Litter Picking!, by Mrs Sanderson
Number Sense - 4.9.22, by Mrs Chidgey
Playing our glockenspiel!, by Mrs Sanderson
Grouping materials by their properties..., by Mrs Sanderson
Computing 28.9.22, by Mrs Chidgey
Playing the glockenspiels 26.9.22, by Mrs Chidgey
Personal timelines 22.9.22, by Mrs Chidgey
Apple tasting 23.9.22, by Mrs Chidgey
It's good to listen 20.9.22, by Mrs Chidgey
Our tributes to the life of The Queen, by Mrs Chidgey
Eco Warriors and Science Club team up to clear our school allotment!, by Mrs Sanderson
Music Time - 26.9.22, by Mrs Sanderson
RE, by Mrs Chidgey
PE, by Mrs Chidgey
Positive Playtimes, by Mrs Chidgey
Finding halves, by Mrs Chidgey
Identifying wild plants, by Mrs Chidgey
Animated Story Books, by Mrs Chidgey
Divergent Drama Workshop, by Mrs Chidgey
Double decker buses, by Mrs Chidgey
Stations of the Cross, by Mrs Chidgey
Year 1 Showcase, by Mrs Chidgey
Music, by Mrs Chidgey