Our blogs

PE 23.9.22, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 26th Feb 2023 @ 10:31am

Number Museums September , by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 26th Feb 2023 @ 10:30am

Maths 18.9.22, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 26th Feb 2023 @ 10:29am

Base 10 September , by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 26th Feb 2023 @ 10:24am

PSHE 9.9.22, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 26th Feb 2023 @ 10:23am

We wrote some special prayers for the Queen and messages of condolence for King Charles III. We also created some lovely collages to commemorate the life of Queen Elizabeth II.

Worship 8.9.22, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 26th Feb 2023 @ 10:18am

We will be holding a special whole school worship in church led by Father Graeme to mark the passing of our beloved Queen this week.

Maths 7.9.22, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 26th Feb 2023 @ 10:13am

15.02.23 - Starry Night: Creative Project, by Miss Walton

Date: 15th Feb 2023 @ 5:08pm

Starry Night - Creative Project 

Cuddle Pets ?

This afternoon we have made our very own cuddle pets in Reception Class and named them. We cut out a heart and made a wish before adding it inside the cuddle pet and stuffing and decorating them. We discussed how our cuddle pets can be used at nighttime, if we ever get worried at night or have trouble sleeping we can tell our worries to our cuddle pets. Lots of dinosaurs, unicorns, bunnies and puppies have been created it’s lovely to see such individual ideas and outcomes???


13.02.23 - Moonlight Shadows, by Miss Walton

Date: 13th Feb 2023 @ 11:23pm

Creating shadows ? ? ? ? 

During our rapid review of Starry Night we worked in partners and sorted nocturnal and diurnal animals. We are working hard to remember what nocturnal means ?

For our explicit teach we explored what happens when we move objects in front of the light and learnt that these are called shadows. We had to guess which nocturnal animal picture it was from the shadow silhouette. Then, once we moved the animals closer and further away from the torch we discussed what happens to the shadows!

In provision we have been making our own animal puppets and then have been exploring what shadows we can see and how they change. We have also been building with the magnetic shapes and shining our torches through them to discover what different shapes our shadows make.

08.02.23 - Writing Challenge, by Miss Walton

Date: 13th Feb 2023 @ 11:05pm

? ?? ?

 This weeks Green Rainbow Challenge linked to our story of the week ?? ?? ?

07.02.23 - Children, by Miss Walton

Date: 13th Feb 2023 @ 10:56pm

Children's Mental Health Week ? ? 

We listened to the story 'The Invisible String' by Patrice Karst and considered who we are connected to and how we feel about those people.

Reception class were asked to draw themselves in the middle of the paper and draw a string. We talked about who their invisible string is connected to and discussed how as a class we are connected to each other.

The message from this story and lesson is that you are never alone and our invisible string connects us to many people!??

02.02.23 - Maths Day, by Miss Walton

Date: 13th Feb 2023 @ 10:40pm

Our Maths superstars today ? ? 

Well done to everyone for dressing up and all the grown ups who joined us in the morning ?

01.02.23 - Starry Night, by Miss Walton

Date: 13th Feb 2023 @ 10:30pm

? Starry Night ? 

Memorable experience: we looked at photos of the school grounds in the dark and went for a daytime walk to find the same places, take photos and compare.

20.01.23 - Icy Music, by Miss Walton

Date: 13th Feb 2023 @ 10:23pm

?? ? Icy Music ? ?? 

We listened to winter music from various artists such as 'Winter' from 'The Four Seasons' by Vivaldi and 'The Snow is Dancing' by Debussy. We moved our bodies in response to this music.

We identified which sounds we could hear then looked at icy pictures and compared the sounds to photos of ice. We attempted to make icy sounds using our musical instruments and followed instructions to make short and long sounds.

19.01.23 - Maths Lesson: Capacity, by Miss Walton

Date: 13th Feb 2023 @ 10:04pm

Reception Class have been busy filling up different containers with water and using the key language to describe capacity. They identified when the bottles and cups were empty, nearly empty, half full, nearly full and full. ? ?? ?? 

19.01.23 - Finding Facts and Recording, by Miss Walton

Date: 13th Feb 2023 @ 9:58pm

Looking for facts about Arctic and Antarctic animals in our non-fiction books, then drawing and attempting to caption them ?? ?? ?? ?? 

Some of our favourites are that Arctic Wolves and Foxes have white fur in order to camouflage with the snow, Orca'shave sharp teeth and Reindeer's have three footed hooves!  

18.01.23 - RE: , by Miss Walton

Date: 19th Jan 2023 @ 7:36am

?? RE Lesson ??

What stories did Jesus hear when he was a child?

Reception class listened to the Bible story 'Daniel and the Lions' from the Old Testament. They explored the feelings and characteristics of the people in the story and created their very own lions ??

16.01.23 - Ice investigation, by Miss Walton

Date: 16th Jan 2023 @ 3:52pm

Exploring the ice using our senses and predicting then investigating which might melt first.

11.01.23 - Number 5, by Miss Walton

Date: 12th Jan 2023 @ 7:49am

Number Bonds to 5

In reception class we have been exploring number 5! We are learning the different number bonds to 5 with the help of our fives frame and counters, as well as the ladybird spots. Our challenge was to show, say and then write the number sentence that shows a number bond to 5. 

09.01.23 - The Gruffalo, by Miss Walton

Date: 9th Jan 2023 @ 4:57pm

The Gruffalo's Child 

"Who's are these footprints and where do they go?"

We listened to one of our favourite winter stories The Gruffalo's Child and together created story maps of the journey the Gruffalo's Child takes through the wood. 


05.01.23 - 06.01.23: Bikeability, by Miss Walton

Date: 6th Jan 2023 @ 4:54pm

We have loved learning how to ride on the balance bikes safely with the help of the Chorley Sports coaches!

PSHE - 18.11.22, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 22nd Nov 2022 @ 6:15am

To finish off the work we have done for anti-bullying week, we recapped what our whole school definition of bullying is. We then looked at the theme of 'Reach Out ' which is the focus of the week for 2022. We identified adults in our lives that we can reach out to if we feel worried or bullied at any point. To finish our work, we looked at ways we could reach out to others who may be experiencing bullying in school to stop them feeling isolated and unhappy.

RE - 15.11.22, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 22nd Nov 2022 @ 6:12am

In RE this week, we used the experience of Wangari Maathai to drive our lesson, which focused on how people are spoiling God's creation. We learned about the actions Wangari took to help stop God's creation being spoiled, by studying the story Wangari's Trees of Peace. We then created a poster to show other simple things we can do to help look after God's creation in our daily lives.

Maths 11.11.22, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 15th Nov 2022 @ 6:30am

After playing find the missing number game with our friends in Thursday's maths lesson, we then used the part, part whole templates to find the missing part of our number sentences. We enjoyed being maths detectives this week. 

RE - 8.11.22, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 13th Nov 2022 @ 10:33pm

This week in our RE lesson we listened to a song called 'Weird and Wonderful' by Fischy Music. The song's lyrics share some weird and wonderful facts about some of the animals that live in God's creation. The children had to listen to all the facts highlighted in the song, then choose which animal fact they found the most interesting, draw a picture of it and write down what the unusual fact is. The children were fascinated to discover dolphins sleep with one eye open, polar bears are all left-handed and kangaroos can't walk backwards. It left the children with a sense of awe and wonder about the animals in our world. 

Learning Together Following Jesus Whatever you do,work at it with all your heart

Adlington St Paul'sCE Primary School

Railway Rd, Adlington, Chorley PR6 9QZ.

Miss K Harrison | Bursar

01257 480276 bursar@adlingtonstpauls.lancs.sch.uk

Mrs J Burger | Headteacher

Miss L Taylor | SENCO

Part of The Learning Together Trust

We are a family of schools, who work collaboratively and in partnership, to ensure that every child within each different school receives the best Christian foundation education that equips them for success in the next phase of their education and later life.