Our blogs

William Tell Overture, by Mrs McGovern

Date: 11th Jul 2022 @ 9:20pm

This week in music, we took our felt tips for a walk to the beat of the music. We tried to vary the speed and mark of the pen depending on the speed and volume of the music. 
Just  look.....

Where the wild things are!, by Mrs McGovern

Date: 6th Jul 2022 @ 8:39pm

Reception had the most wonderful time meeting children from one of our Trust school at heigh Hall woods today! We worked with a drama specialist on the story, 

'Where the wild things are'.

We stomped, cause mischief and even met a monster. Just look....

Pitch and beat, by Mrs McGovern

Date: 28th Jun 2022 @ 8:56pm

Reception have been perfecting our musical skills on pitch and beat during our lessons this week. Just listen...

If I were the Queen!, by Mrs McGovern

Date: 25th May 2022 @ 4:59pm

As part of our Jubilee work, Reception have been learning about British Values and the Rule Of Law. We then thought about what laws and rules we would make if we were the Queen, just listen....

DT, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 15th May 2022 @ 12:59pm


In DT, we have been looking at the different techniques that can be used to prepare food such as chopping, slicing, peeling, mashing, tearing and grating. We learned the correct way to safely perform all of these food preparation techniques this afternoon and took the opportunity to taste each of the foods too. We tried sliced cucumber, chopped celery, mashed avocado, peeled carrots, grated cheese and torn lettuce. Then we evaluated how each of these foods tasted so we know which ones we might want to include in our salads next week.

Reading, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 15th May 2022 @ 12:51pm


The children enjoy practising reading words for our phonics screening check in June. They like the challenge of reading our familiar sounds in multisyllabic words and think it’s great when they get to ‘be the teacher’ for their partner.

Minibeast drama, by Mrs McGovern

Date: 10th May 2022 @ 2:52pm

Reception have been learning about all the creatures that will visit the garden we have planted! We have been pretending, or acting, being a snail! Look at us get our antennas out....and then out them away quickly when the big, bad bird comes! 

Grammar, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 1st May 2022 @ 12:22am


In our grammar lesson this week, we have been using the prefix un- to change the meaning of words. We looked at how to spell a selection of words correctly and then used to words in sentences to match the pictures shown. We made sure we punctuated our sentences correctly and we read through each one to check it made sense. 

The history of our school, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 30th Apr 2022 @ 1:03pm

We made an interesting start to our new topic School Days this afternoon by looking at the history of our school. We looked at some original registers from 1910 when the school first opened and spotted some of the original features of the buildings when we went for a look around. Then we had a visit from Mrs Cleary who told us about what the school was like when she came to the school as a little girl. She showed us photos of the school uniform that she had to wear, what the playground used to look like and where the stage used to be in the KS2 building. We learned lots of interesting things about our school and how it has changed over the past 112 years.

Maths - sharing equally, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 23rd Apr 2022 @ 2:11pm

Today in maths, we have been making equal groups by sharing. We use ten frames, plates and circles to share out a given number of objects. We had to say if they could be shared equally or not. To make sure they were shared fairly we had to work systematically by giving one object to each group and keep going round the groups in turn. 

Being Our Best in PSHE, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 23rd Apr 2022 @ 2:07pm

In PSHE today the children were looking at the different food groups and how they help to keep our bodies healthy. We looked at how much of each type of food group we should eat so we can stay fit and strong. We talked about eating a rainbow of fruit and vegetables because we get different nutrients from different coloured fruit and vegetables. The children enjoyed listening to the funny story 'Vegetable Glue' by Susan Chandler to finish the lessson. 

DT moving vehicles, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 18th Apr 2022 @ 1:40pm

The children had a great time this afternoon creating their moving vehicles in our DT lesson. They all had a go at sawing the wood to create their axles for the wheels. Then added detail to their painted boxes to make them look like double decker buses from London. The children made good use of their plans to ensure they included the necessary features on their vehicle.

Arrays, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 16th Apr 2022 @ 1:48pm


In our maths lesson today we looked at identifying what an array is. We were able to sort everyday items into arrays and not arrays. We then went on array hunt around the classroom to see if we could see any examples in our environment. We finished off our challenges by creating our own arrays using the peg boards. We had to a remember than an array has to have columns and rows that are equal groups. 

Easter Garden, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 16th Apr 2022 @ 1:34pm

Together we created an Easter garden in class today. We used the palm crosses that Fr Graeme gave to us yesterday to represent the cross that Jesus died on. We created the tomb where Jesus' body was laid with the stone rolled away in readiness for Easter Sunday. We used natural objects to create the rest of the garden such as a path made out of pebbles and pinecones to represent trees. We then sprinkled some grass, cress and wild flower seeds so that by Easter Sunday there would be lots of signs of new life in the garden. 

Maths, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 16th Apr 2022 @ 12:47pm

Our maths lesson today focused on making equal groups as part of our unit on multiplication. We started by playing a game where the children had to roll 2 dice. They then looked to see if they created two equal groups with the numbers that each dice landed on or not. We then came back onto the carpet to look at how many groups we were creating each time and how many were in each group. Then we knew what we could count in to find out the total for all the groups. 

Easter time!, by Mrs McGovern

Date: 6th Apr 2022 @ 8:45pm

What a fantastic way to get ready for Holy Week. reception have looked for signs and symbols of new life in preparation for Easter Sunday. Just look at all the fun we had...

Magic maths patterns, by Mrs McGovern

Date: 6th Apr 2022 @ 8:41pm

Reception have been pattern sniffers! Looking for patterns in our work, sounds, shapes, numbers, actions. You name it, we can find the pattern of repeat. Look at our work...

Rights and Responsibilities, by Mrs McGovern

Date: 6th Apr 2022 @ 8:39pm

As part of our PSHE, Reception have been thinking about our responsibilities. This week it was being responsible for the Earth! Look how good we were at protecting our planet...

Outdoor Worship, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 4th Apr 2022 @ 9:52am

We took part in our outdoor class worship. We gathered together with our friends to share a drink and a biscuit in God's beautiful creation. We listened to one of the stories we have been learning about Jesus, the feeding of the 5000, and recapped on how this shows us Jesus is special. We recalled that he is able to perform miracles because he is God's chosen son. We looked around us and reminded ourselves of the signs of new life and spring we spotted on our spring walk. We talked about getting closer to Easter and that these signs of new life in our world remind us that Jesus died to show us that our sins can be forgiven so we can have a new beginning and to give us hope of a new life in Heaven after death. We finished with the Lord's prayer.

PSHE, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 4th Apr 2022 @ 9:49am

In our PSHE lesson we walked around our school environment and identified the different things that we liked in different areas. We then spoke about how we can all look after these things to keep our school environment looking great. We identified that it is our right to have a nice school environment to learn in but that it is our responsibility to keep it looking neat and tidy .

Giving directions, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 4th Apr 2022 @ 9:38am

The children enjoyed playing a game with their friends where they had to give each other directions to move round a grid map of London to visit the different landmarks. They used lots of good positional language and had a go at riting a set of step by step instructions too.

Spring Walk, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 22nd Mar 2022 @ 5:31am


To start our new RE unit about Easter, celebrating new life and new beginnings, we went on a spring walk around school. We found lots of signs of spring and new life starting to grow. We saw daffodils, daisies and other purple flowers starting to grow. We found ants, ladybirds and some other little insects. We saw leaves sprouting on the trees, blossom buds forming on the branches and bushes starting to get full of leaves again. We also saw the grass is starting to get long again and the beautiful blue sky peeking through the fluffy white clouds. 


Maths, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 22nd Mar 2022 @ 5:20am


In maths this week we were looking at doubles. We understand that doubles are the same number added to itself. We created a Numicon staircase to show all our doubles up to 20. We had to arrange our Numicon shapes to make them fit together neatly so we could make our Numicon staircase correctly.

Fossils and woolly mammoths!, by Mrs McGovern

Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 2:57pm

This week Reception have been looking at other creatures that were alive in the time of the dinosaurs. We all moved like a woolly mammoth with Andy and his dinosaurs, we wrote some instructions for how to wash a woolly mammoth and we each created a ammonite fossil! Take a peek at our week...


Number bonds to 10 in Magic Maths, by Mrs McGovern

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 11:50am

Reception have started to learn about number bonds to 10.

We have played lots of games and sung lots of songs...now it was time for  something much more tricky!

We had to find a partner with a Numicon card that would make a bond to 10.

Take a peek at our work...

Learning Together Following Jesus Whatever you do,work at it with all your heart

Adlington St Paul'sCE Primary School

Railway Rd, Adlington, Chorley PR6 9QZ.

Miss K Harrison | Bursar

01257 480276 bursar@adlingtonstpauls.lancs.sch.uk

Mrs J Burger | Headteacher

Miss L Taylor | SENCO

Part of The Learning Together Trust

We are a family of schools, who work collaboratively and in partnership, to ensure that every child within each different school receives the best Christian foundation education that equips them for success in the next phase of their education and later life.