Year 4: Gallery
Bug Hotel Revamp!, by Mrs Sanderson
Investigating Sugars, by Mrs Sanderson
Music Lessons, by Mr Nolan
PE Gymnastics, by Mr Nolan
Digestive System, by Mrs Sanderson
Eating School-Grown Fruit, by Mrs Sanderson
Our School Environment, by Mrs Sanderson
Making and Testing Electrical Circuits, by Mrs Sanderson
Hula Hut Games in PE - Problem Solving, by Mr Nolan
Investigating packaging, by Mr Nolan
Drama to empathise, by Mr Nolan
Problem Solving in P.E., by Mr Nolan
Investigating: how does sugar affect the teeth?, by Mrs Sanderson
Digestive System, by Mrs Sanderson
Making switches..., by Mrs Sanderson
Investigating electrical conductors, by Mrs Sanderson
Creating Electrical Circuits, by Mrs Sanderson
Music time, by Mrs Sanderson
The Water Cycle, by Mrs Sanderson
Investigating water, by Mrs Sanderson
Heating and Cooling Investigation, by Mrs Sanderson
Finding pattern in pitch, by Mrs Sanderson
Investigating volume, by Mrs Sanderson
Personal Space, by Mrs Sanderson
Hanging the Bird Feeders, by Mrs Sanderson