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Recommended Author Reading Challenge, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 12th Mar 2023 @ 10:13am

Recommended Author

Reading and Writing Challenge

for Spring Term 2

Read a book written by Nathan Bryon and use the story as inspiration for an action.

  1. Create a poster, leaflet or piece of writing to show what your idea is for how we can do something to make the world a better place for everyone to live in.
  2. Create a poster, leaflet or piece of writing to show how you are going to be inspired by the beautiful world around you every day.
  3. Create a poster, leaflet or piece of writing to show what your ten simple rules would be for helping others to think big and promote positive health and emotional well-being.

Closing Date: Wednesday 19th April

Prizes for top 3 entries from KS1 and KS2

Reading Merit awarded for every entry

World Book Day 2.3.23, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 12th Mar 2023 @ 10:00am

To celebrate World Book Day this year, we took part in a range of exciting activities relating to books, reading and vocabulary. We enjoyed welcoming our parents and carers into school to share stories with us in the morning. It was lovely to see everyone dressed as adventurous adjectives and we enjoyed exploring the meaning of our vocabulary by creating Frayer models. To link with our reading challenge set by Jen Carney, we shared our recommended reads that we brought into school with our partner and completed a book review. We used the story Lifesize Deadly Animals by Sophy Henn as inspiration for our maths lesson. We measured the size of the animals in the book and compared the measurements to the size of different parts of our bodies. To finish the day, we completed a task based on the book Rocket Rules by Nathan Bryon where the children thought of their own simple rules to follow each day to support their mental and physical health and well-being.

Children's Mental Health Week, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 26th Feb 2023 @ 12:38pm

To celebrate Children's Mental Health Week, we all came into school wearing clothes that help us to feel connected to other people through a shared hobby, passion, interest or club. We also learned the song Lean on Me by Bill Withers and we enjoyed performing the song together on the final day of the week. Watch us perform together on these short videos.

NSPCC Number Day, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 26th Feb 2023 @ 12:27pm

We celebrated NSPCC number day by coming to school wearing numbers, doing maths activities with our parents and carers in the morning and reading stories about numbers for our class story time.

PE with Chorley School Sports Partnership, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 26th Feb 2023 @ 11:36am

We have been practicing doing balances on small and large body parts with our partners in our gymnastics lesson led by Chorley School Sports Partnership.

Infant Christmas Party, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 26th Feb 2023 @ 11:09am

Christmas Pantomime, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 26th Feb 2023 @ 11:06am

The children really enjoyed watching our Christmas pantomime of Jack and the Beanstalk performed by the company Divergent Drama.

Forest Schools, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 26th Feb 2023 @ 11:05am

The children really enjoyed taking part in their forest school activities this afternoon despite the cold weather.

Inspirational women workshop, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 26th Feb 2023 @ 11:00am

The children enjoyed taking part in their inspirational women workshop this afternoon. 

Leading Worship, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 21st Nov 2022 @ 1:53pm

The children did a great job saying their lines and recording a worship on Children in Need for the whole school to watch.

Poetry Festival Zoom session, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 26th Feb 2023 @ 10:58am

We took part in a live Zoom! session with the other Year 2 classes from all four schools in our Learning Together Trust. It was lovely to share the exciting things we had been doing during the poetry festival week and perform our class poems for each other.

LTT Poetry Festival, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 29th Oct 2022 @ 10:05pm

We have enjoyed taking part in our Trust Poetry Festival this week along with the other schools in the Learning Together Trust. During the week, we enjoyed hearing a range of poems from a variety of authors such as Now We Are Six by A. A. Milne, On the Ning Nang Nong by Spike Milligan and Walking with My Iguana by Brian Moses. At the start of the week we watched author Paul Cookson perform some of his poetry in an online video. We then took part in a workshop, led by Paul Cookson, to generate ideas and create our own poem about brothers and sisters following his style of poetry. To finish the week, we looked at the poem The Word Bird by Sally Crabtree and followed her suggestions to make our own word birds, which we filled with some of our favourite words. We then followed another of Sally Crabtree's ideas and made a number of our favourite words out of bird seed to create a simple word poem that could be danced through the sky by the birds. On Friday, it was lovely to join the other schools from the Learning Together Trust via Zoom! to perform our class poems that we had been learning through the week. We performed Now We Are Six by A.A. Milne because it links to our topic of Childhood and one brave member of our class individually performed On the Ning Nang Nong by Spike Milligan, after she had learned it by herself at home. We had a great time during poetry week. 

Black History Month, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 29th Oct 2022 @ 6:53pm

To celebrate Black History Month, we have been learning about Wangari Maathai and why she is such an important person in history. We enjoyed hearing about her life and her work in worship led by the diocese and in a variety of stories. We completed book reviews to let other people know what the stories were about and how Wangari worked hard to bring the green back to Kenya. Wangari overcame any adversity she faced to encourage people to plant millions of trees and was the first black woman to be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for her contribution to the world. We will continue to use Wangari Maathai as inspiration for how we can all look after God's world as we move into our next RE topic of Creation. 

Poetry Festival, by Miss Hyatt

Date: 7th Nov 2022 @ 7:39pm

Year 2 enjoyed rehearsing and performing a known poem the Ning Nang Nong by Spike Milligan. We also took inspiration from Paul Cookson by writing our own bug poetry and nature Kennings. 

A trip to Whitefield Hebrew Congregation Synagogue, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 18th Oct 2022 @ 6:29am

The children had a lovely time visiting Whitefield Hebrew Congregation Synagogue in Manchester today. We learned lots about how Jewish people worship inside a synagogue and some of the special featres of the synagogue and why they are important. We then learned a little more about the Jewish festival of Sukkot. We were able to handle some of the special artefacts used during the festival such as the lulav and etrog before spending some time inside the synagogue's Sukkah. 

Book club, by Mrs Crosier

Date: 10th Oct 2022 @ 7:55pm

We have enjoyed a character workshop during Book Club today. We all chose our favourite book characters and described them using a selection of exciting adjectives.
Some of us volunteered to share the reasons why we chose them as our favourite characters.

Can you guess which books these characters are from ? 

TriKidz came to school 7.10.22, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 9th Oct 2022 @ 11:40am

The children had a wonderful time taking part in the TriKidz activities this morning. Not even the weather could dampen their enjoyment as they took part in swimming, cycling and running training. It was fabulous to see them having so much fun being physically active in the fresh air.

Admissions for Reception 2023, by Mrs Burger

Date: 27th Sep 2022 @ 8:52pm

New Roles in Year 1, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 27th Sep 2022 @ 5:11pm

The children have been voting for their new School Councillors, Eco Committee members and Literacy Ambassadors. Here are the results. 

A gift from Jen Carney, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 28th Sep 2022 @ 4:40am

Our Patron of Reading Jen Carney brought each class a new book as a gift. Our new Literacy Ambassadors for each class were able to thank Jen in person, on behalf of their class, when she came in to meet the new team.

Patron of Reading, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 10th Sep 2022 @ 5:35am

Jen Carney is an author who lives locally and has agreed to be our school's Patron of Reading this year to develop reading for pleasure in school. She introduced herself to the children this morning and visited each class to give them a present of a new book.

Welcome to Year 1, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 10th Sep 2022 @ 5:30am

The children have made a great start to Year 1 this week and are getting used to all our new routines in class. 

Some key information for parents

This term Year 1 will have PE on Monday and Tuesday afternoons.

The children's reading books will be changed twice a week on a Monday and a Thursday. Please sign in your child's reading diary each time they read their book at home and ensure they have their book in school on these days. We recommend reading each book they bring home 3 times to help them develop accuracy, fluency and understanding

Spellings will be sent on each Friday for the children to learn through the week. They will have a spelling test the following Friday

Each Friday homework tasks will be set for the children to complete online using Purple Mash. Their individual login is stuck inside their reading diary. 

The children will also have the book they are reading in school assigned to them as an ebook that they can read to you at home to consolidate the work they are doing in school. This will be available via the Oxford Owl website and their individual login is stuck inside their reading diary.

Over the term the children can complete as many of their 'Pick and Mix' homework activities as they would like to which we display and share in school in our homework gallery.

Myself, Mrs Sanderson or Mrs Farnworth are available each day at the start and end of school should you ever need to speak to us about your child. 

We are going to have an exciting year full of fun learning and activities. 

Mrs Chidgey



Learning Together Trust Poetry Festival, by Mrs Burger

Date: 4th Sep 2022 @ 8:24pm

During the week beginning 17th October 2022, we will be having a poetry festival involving all schools in our Trust family.  This will be a celebration of our ‘Off By Heart,’ Summer Poetry Challenge. The children can learn one poem from a choice of 5. They need to perform it and the poetry choices reflect this.

This is a link to a video by Michael Rosen with some top tips for performing poems.



Readathon, by Mrs Chidgey

Date: 27th Jun 2022 @ 1:55pm

Our reading challenge for the summer term is a sponsored Readathon to raise money for the charity Read for Good.  Read for Good provides a regular supply of brand-new books along with storyteller visits to brighten up the days of children in all of the UK’s main children’s hospitals.

The children have been asked to collect sponsors using the sponsor form they brought home on Friday.  Friends and family can sponsor children per book or per minute of reading.  Within school, we will be awarding Page Turner Prizes from a choice of brand-new books for the children who raise the most sponsorship money. School will also receive free book vouchers worth 20% of their sponsorship total to buy new books for our class libraries. More information about Read for Good Readathon events can be found at www.readforgood.org. We hope you enjoy taking part in this reading challenge and ask that all sponsor money is brought into school by Monday 18th of July.

Let's get reading!

What is our world like?, by Mrs McGovern

Date: 24th Jun 2022 @ 2:24pm

Reception have been learning some technical vocabulary for our travelling topic,










We made map of the world, writing about the places we like to travel to. 


Learning Together Following Jesus Whatever you do,work at it with all your heart

Adlington St Paul'sCE Primary School

Railway Rd, Adlington, Chorley PR6 9QZ.

Miss A Moffitt | Bursar

01257 480276 bursar@adlingtonstpauls.lancs.sch.uk

Mrs J Burger | Headteacher

Miss L Taylor | SENCO

Part of The Learning Together Trust

We are a family of schools, who work collaboratively and in partnership, to ensure that every child within each different school receives the best Christian foundation education that equips them for success in the next phase of their education and later life.