Year 2: Gallery
Flower Cards, by Mrs Chidgey
Patron of Reading, by Mrs Chidgey
Seaside trip, by Mrs Chidgey
Science 6.3.23, by Mrs Chidgey
PE 27.2.23, by Mrs Chidgey
Art 10.2.23, by Mrs Chidgey
PSHE 7.2.23, by Mrs Chidgey
Computing 1.2.23, by Mrs Chidgey
PE 1.2.23, by Mrs Chidgey
English 26.1.23, by Mrs Chidgey
Computing 25.1.23, by Mrs Chidgey
RE - Jesus, by Mrs Chidgey
DT 12.1.23, by Mrs Chidgey
RE 5.1.23, by Mrs Chidgey
A visit from Santa 15.12.22, by Mrs Chidgey
Christmas Lunch 13.12.22, by Mrs Chidgey
Hanging the Bird Feeders, by Mrs Sanderson
Cake Sale by Eco / Science Club, by Mrs Sanderson
Helping the birds in winter..., by Mrs Sanderson
Road Safety - Walk to school week..., by Mrs Sanderson
Rekenreks, by Miss Hyatt
Poetry Festival, by Miss Hyatt
How do germs spread?, by Mrs Sanderson
Fire Safety, by Mrs Sanderson
Why should we use soap?, by Mrs Sanderson